Joanna Harrison Couple Therapy

My book ‘Five Arguments All Couples (Need To) Have And Why The Washing Up Matters’ is out now.

Joanna Harrison Couple Therapy

Being in a relationship isn’t always easy, however well we get along – and my experience of working with couples has shown me that there are some core areas that all couples need to navigate and negotiate as part of finding a way to a workable and intimate relationship.  These are the “Five Arguments” that I have written about in my book and these are often the issues that being in couple therapy can help a couple improve between each other.

You can buy my book here if you are interested to read about these areas. If you would be interested to book a consultation please email me here.

I am passionate about us all having better education about relationships and am often asked to comment or advise – here are some links to articles or podcasts that I have been involved with.

Announcing new service for couples – support with the transition to becoming parents

As featured in:

Back to school back to your relationship?

Back to school, back to your relationship?

BBC Radio 4 Woman’s Hour

‘People fail to recognise the so-called ‘little things’’: Why relationships fail and how we can save them